Insurance Solutions & Insights

Distracted Driving Awareness Month


April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month as observed by The National Safety Council.  Now more than ever this is an important topic for consideration and action!  If you are like me, it is amazing how many people you can see driving that are looking down at their phone.

Insurance companies have experienced an increase in the number of claims related to distracted driving over the last several years particularly in the case of one vehicle accidents.  According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, in 2014 distraction was cited in approximately 7% of drivers involved in fatal crashes.  The flaw in the statistics is that the data relies on information from drivers and witnesses that might not be forthcoming or have the wrong perception of the cause.

Whether you are a parent or an employer, espousing the benefits of ignoring a phone while driving is a worthy endeavor.  Many insurance companies require employers with company vehicles to have a written and documented cell phone policy in place which contains rules and consequences for the use of phones.  A number of families that I know have a written contract with the youthful drivers in their household governing and prohibiting the use of a phone while driving.

Here is a link to The National Safety Council’s website that is worthy of sharing with family and/or employees.  This contains a lot of information underscoring the dangers of distracted driving. 

Drive safely!



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